Monday, October 22, 2007

My oh My

Why does it seem like life is constantly crazy? One thing ends and right away another begins. This happens in many aspects, I will finish one job and immediately begin another, one commitement ends and another starts, one issue on my hall is resolved and another one pops up. It seems like I am stuck in a set of monstrous swells. One will wash over my head, I fight my way back to the surface and come up to get a gulp of air just as another set breaks on me. I have too many things to handle. I juggle school, work, being an RA, and volunteering at the church. I constantly hear that I need to take time for myself, which I understand, but when I do, another part of my life suffers. Even to get enough sleep is difficult! How am I supposed to have a social life, do all my other commitments, and try and exercise and get sleep. I think there needs to be about ten more hours in a day, maybe then I could do everything I need to. As overwhelmed and stressed out I sound (and I am overwhelmed and stressed out) there is still some strange calm and peace in me. I have something that a lot of people don't. I know God sees what is going on, I know He has a plan for all of this, I know I can trust Him. How do people who have no faith get through life? That is one thing I will never understand.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

To begin

So, I am finally starting a blog after the urging of a few people, mainly PB&J (most commonly known as Bobby, worship leader at Christian Life Center). I decided it might be a good idea, seeing as I have the most interesting life and I know everyone wants to read about it. In all seriousness, I miss writing, I have a million thoughts running around in my head, and maybe someone might actually enjoying reading what I have to say. So, lets all give three cheers to profound thoughts and interesting entries. Hip, hip, hooray!